I yesterday even convinced my brother (!) to try out Mozilla, and guess
what, first response was "OMG! It's COOL!" and he's still searching for real

"JTK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Geoff wrote:
> >
> [snip]
> > Thanks both to Jonas and to you Albert.  As I said, I was looking for an
> > explanation, not making a criticism, and that holds good. Even so, and
> > speaking as someone who has invested much time and effort in ridding his
> > business of M$ products, I am left wondering about the ability of the
> > source community to win this particular standards battle.
> Two things:
> 1.  Regardless of what people are telling you, it's not a "standards
> battle".  Mozilla is so poorly written that it simply dies on most pages
> regardless of their "standardness", and the further outside the lines
> the page is, the wackier Mozilla gets.
> 2.  I want all nations of the world to speak English.  But not just
> English, the specific dialect of English that I do.  That way I don't
> have to go to the trouble of learning all those other languages, nor the
> idioms of all the different English dialects.  How much chance do you
> think I have of getting that to happen?  Right, about as much chance as
> Mozilla has of getting a DTD on everybody's pages.  Including their own
> home page.
> >  I send emails
> > complaining to the webmasters of sites that require Ie, and if I
> > understood the technicalities better, I would complain about any
> > non-standards-compliant features I detected.  I just don't get the
> > impression that we are having any impact at all here,
> Mozilla is having exactly zero impact here.  Why?  Nobody uses it.
> Nobody's posted numbers recently, I'd love to see how low the percentage
> is these days.
> > and it is very
> > depressing when one gives demonstrations of open source systems only to
> > find that the browsers are (in my personal and maybe untypical
> Very typical.
> > experience), very likely to choke on many of the sites that I need to
> > people to.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Geoff

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