"Blake Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > Well I mean come on now, it's only been a year!  It's not like they
> > haven't been working on all kinds of other stuff, such as... well
> > there's the...  um... oh!  There's a context menu now!  That's what took
> > a year!  Yeah, see, they were working on it all year, and I just
> > happened to bitch about it a week or so before it got added.  Completely
> > coincidental that!

> I dunno...seems like you've been on about it for a year, too.  Anyway, I
> implemented the context menu, and it didn't have anything to do with
> you, so...yes, coincidental. Your blatant sarcasm turns out to be right
> 99% of the time ;-)

Sure, coincidences... blah...

Everyone knows you just implemented it to make JTK shut up! But no, he still
goes on and on... ;-)

> :: Fire Dave Hyatt! ::

You don't like him, eh? ;-)

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