Gervase Markham wrote:
>> <q src="";>
>> Note: version 2 of Patch Maker requires a new format to the 
>> chromelist.txt file. Therefore, chromelist.txt will need to be 
>> obtained from this page until bug 125588 is fixed.
>> </q>
> That bug is fixed now :-)

I've tried it with a 2002-02-19-03 Win32 build which should have that 
checkin - still no luck. Tried "/", "\" and "\\" as path delimiters (sp?).

Jonas wrote:
 > Gerv: The / instead of \ and missing ".pl" extension in BAT files
 > problem that I mailed you about does not seem to fixed yet...

Might that be the problem?

I've tried it without the batch files as well though - same problem:

> C:\Programme\\2002-02-19\chrome>perl G:\Perl\bin\pm -a content\\navig
> ator\\navigator.xul
> File 'content\\navigator\\navigator.xul' does not exist - not adding.
> C:\Programme\\2002-02-19\chrome>perl G:\Perl\bin\pm -a content\naviga
> tor\navigator.xul
> File 'content\navigator\navigator.xul' does not exist - not adding.
> C:\Programme\\2002-02-19\chrome>perl G:\Perl\bin\pm -a content/naviga
> tor/navigator.xul
> File 'content/navigator/navigator.xul' does not exist - not adding.

Maybe I need to re-install pm?

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

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