Clark Morgan wrote:
> I use Mozilla on Windows and have been since about 0.9.4.
> I'm terribly impressed.
> The only time I used IE now is when I visit a site that refuses Mozilla
> (e.g., -- yes I submitted an
> evangelism bug).  It's nice to be able to avoid all of IE's security
> problems by simply _not using_ that browser.
> I especially appreciate the fact that I can block popup and popunder ads
> with Mozilla.  The tabbed browsing is nice as well.
> The Mozilla developers should pat themselves on the back.
> Thanks.

My sentiments exactly :-)

It's good to see a post like this, makes a change from all the carping 
that goes on in the NGs.

Software is like sex, it's better when it's free  - Linus Torvalds

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