On 3/22/2002 11:35 PM, Glenn Miller apparently wrote exactly the following:
> On 23 Mar 2002, Sören Kuklau was seen to have posted this wee note into 
> netscape.public.mozilla.general, to which I have responded as follows:
>>There is no world-wide standard. The new proposed European Union 
>>standard is yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-day, as in 2002-03-22), but of 
>>course, China etc. can still use whatever they like.

> Now that standard sounds very logical for use in computing and data storage 
> - as things get listed perfectly by date.

Exactly. That was one of the reasons given for the format in the 
proposal document of the DIN.

> Perhaps Mozilla should use this quite logical and reasonable standard.

That's what it does use for its build ids. Except the dashes.

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

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