Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
> I watch a cooking progam from Enland on the FoodChannel. The Star is
> Jammie Oliver and the show is called "The Naked Chef" the title is
> supposed to mean getting to the bare essentials of food.
> He uses a slang tern for great (as in Taste great)  pucker. Examaple the
> dish is really pucker.

In this context "pucker" comes from Indian (puckah) although I'm willing 
to stand corrected.

> In the US the same word has a different meaning as in Pucker up and Kiss.

Also in Britain.

"I would rather gnaw my leg off, pack the bleeding stump with salt,
  and run in a circle on broken glass than have to deal with any
  Microsoft product on a regular basis."
        -- Dan Zimmerman,
              Vanderbilt University, when asked about Windows NT.

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