Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> > > There should be a pref:
> > > Dropping a file into an FTP folder should
> > > ( ) Open it
> > > (x) Upload it

For such an obscure option, you'd need to prefix it with an explanation.
I suggest the following.
| Mozilla's designers can't decide what should happen when a file or
| folder is dragged to a Navigator window where an FTP listing is being
| displayed. We know you're probably not a UI designer, but we'll dump
| the problem on you anyway, because we don't like you.
| What should Mozilla do when a file or folder is dragged to a Navigator
| window where an FTP listing is being displayed?
| (*) Open it
| ( ) Upload it
| ( ) Show me a nasty alert box

> > > If not, at least a user pref.

Naturally. It's quite ok to have a UI which is only acceptable to 1
percent of users, if it can be made acceptable to some of the other 99
percent by twiddling prefs which are too well-hidden for any of that 99
percent to know how to change.

> > Maybe a popup?
> >
> > "What do you want to do with this file? [Display] [Upload] [Cancel]"

Alerts don't work. As time goes on the number of alerts used in a
program should decline, not increase.

> Maybe both.

Dilbert: `So should we get lots of bad press by delaying our product for
  six months, or lose our future customer base by shipping now when the
  product has thousands of bugs?'
PHB: `Hmmmmmm ... Let's do both!'

>             The popup would be fine the first time, but I should
> be able to configure it not to ask me again.

Hahahahaha. I could see that coming a mile off.

Matthew `mpt' Thomas, Mozilla UI Design component default assignee thing

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