Gervase Markham wrote:

>> I am asking, because I think that making the MPL compatible might be 
>> the better way for the relicensing.
> Please read the FAQ on this issue.

Gerv, as I said, I *did* read the FAQ. Most of the arguments there I 
addressed already. The remaining ones are no-brainers:

> Modifying the MPL itself would have taken more time and effort

There is no support in the FAQ for this claim.

> the Mozilla project (like other projects) was already making use of a 
> multiple license scheme without apparent problems.

There obviously are problems with some people who don't like the GPL. 
Those probably just didn't happen to contribute to NSPR or JS.

> Changing the MPL would also have potentially affected developers who 
> had adopted the MPL for use with their own code, independently of the 
> Mozilla project. If those developers did not like the new MPL changes 
> then they would have to explicitly use an older version of the MPL, or 
> create their own MPL-based license.

We can't know, if other projects would object, if we don't know, which 
terms are those. I don't think, any project would object the removal of 
the jurisdiction clause. In fact, it will probably help some (OpenH323 
for example).

As I mentioned, the GPL incompatibility is a problem for other projects, 
too. They now have to go through the same hassle as we do.

> Finally, changing the MPL would have required re-submitting it to the 
> Open Source Initiative <> for certification 
> in connection with the Open Source Definition 
> <> , another potentially 
> time-consuming process.

That's bogus. The mail I quoted also says that FSF and OSI were quick to 
respond on the new Python license.

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