Hi SUPER-affiliates/ list owners/ promoters/ webmasters,

Do you want a great backend product that is selling like crazy this week?

My readers are running to get this NEW CONCEPT!

I’m selling more this week than I ever did in the past months with any other program.

My commissions are climbing very fast. I’m really excited!

This is the best ad copy I’ve read in months! It sells.

If you haven't felt the shockwave yet, stop everything you are doing and read this to 
be one of the first promoters.

The inner circles of the shockwave are raking in the profits like fury.

This will pay us for years to come as it is the first “Wave” of the NEW INTERNET.

I have never heard of something as pure and as strange as this. It makes so much 
common sense, no one will understand why we have not thought of it ourselves.

People are going mad for it.

3 days ago, when the news was released, I even heard big names (marketing gurus) in 
forums saying that they were changing their website to adapt it to this NEW INTERNET 

I stopped everything I was doing for a moment, to see what was falling on us.

When I sent one post about it to my list just to see what they thought of it, it paid 
me $2,668.00 in commissions within the next 5 hours.

My readers devoured it. I made 35 sales in one test broadcast of 700 opt-in readers.
This sells like hot cakes.

It's crazy!

I'm not alone, everybody is talking about this at this hour.

Thousands are purchasing Stephan Ducharme's
amazing NEW VERSION of his best-seller...

"How To Get 1 Million Visitors On Your Website Without Paying A Dime in advertising - 

Stephan has just finished his long awaited, up-dated
version this week.

The Solo Ad is extremely POWERFUL.
It pulls an average of 5 out of 100 readers.

It's the most impressive Solo Ad I've come
across in months.

You will get 40% of each $197 sale.

Click here to get your ad copy with customized affiliate link:

Broadcast this solo ad to your database. It never fails to get high responses.

Out of 5000 email subscribers, approximately $47,642.85 worth of orders can be made 
and 40 % goes to you = $19,057.14

Not bad for a 5 minute job!

Why will you make so much money for one single post?

By sending out this letter, your readers will gain free access to Stephan Ducharme’s 
new AUDIO ebook "Millionaire at 31 - Listen to How He is Doing It"

It is an interview with Stephan where he gives just enough marketing secrets to entice 
the reader to make them want to know ALL of Stephan's marketing secrets.

The free interview ebook will then have YOUR affiliate link at the end that will 
direct them to Stephan's incredible sales letter. (Several gurus say that it’s one of 
the best sales letter ever written. Each word and combination of words has been 
tested. Each sentence is based upon hypnotic hard-to-stop-reading positive and 
realistic matters.)

So a lot of your readers will buy Stephan Ducharme’s best-seller “How To Get 1 Million 
Visitors On Your Website Without Paying A Dime in Advertising” for $197

5 out of 100 readers purchase. That’s 1 in 20 !!! It’s a very high ratio.

40% commissions on your 1st tier

10% commissions on your 2nd tier

You could earn up to $70 a sale.

The third reason why your paycheck gets so high is that Stephan has built a series of 
awesome follow-ups that TRIPLE the orders over the weeks and you always touch your 40% 
commission on all those future sales.

So you make money each day you post this letter and also continue to make money day 
after day for a long time.

It took months to build this system, created from the mind and financed from the 
pockets of a self-made internet millionaire, so it is perfect. IT PAYS YOU A LOT.

Everything is taken care of by Stephan’s customer service and huge system, backed-up 
by 5 servers to keep up with the demand.

All you have to do is:

1.Click here to register for free to get your affilate ID and customized solo ad:

Your link will then be placed within Stephan's new ebook
"Millionaire at 31... Listen to how he is doing it"

2. Send the above solo ad to your readers.
All you will have to do is give away the free ebook to your
list as a gift from you and let Stephan do the rest.

For 2nd tier commission, you will have a second link to build your downline and this 
pre-written "Super-ad" ready to be sent to super-affiliates and list owners.

By forwarding this "Super-ad" message to all the list owners
you may know, you'll earn 10% on each and ALL of the
copies they sell to THEIR readers and visitors !!!
Get your affiliate ID here:

To your success,

theeb basheer

mozilla-license mailing list

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