Lincoln Yeoh wrote:

But can you actually help?
No, I have no time.

e.g. Telling me I've got it wrong and so I can forget the whole thing or fix it (slightly broken), or I've got it right and you can actually help take the idea further, or you know someone who can?
The idea doesn't look wrong per se to me. However:

IIRC, the argument on the www-html list was to make server-side libs. That sounds like solution which is
- more correct
- more secure (less likely to fail, if there are bugs)
- more likely to get implemented (try convincing MS.... OTOH, you can implement e.g. a python lib and just use that, and your server is secure as well as all other servers caring and using your lib)
- more adaptable (different servers might have different security needs, i.e. different tradeoffs between features and security)

Taken seriously? Go ahead laugh
I didn't laugh. But to get something in the HTML standard, you need a make a decent case.

Ben Bucksch

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