Duane wrote:
Ian G wrote:

Right, another obstacle.  If all countries had hard ID like
some of the Europeans had, *and* this was an international
standard like the US wants with passports, then this might

A lot of people in Australia and other countries never get passports... I've also heard of some countries that issue a passport like ID, but it's only good for travel in their region of the world, this is to prevent mass exodus etc...

The more common form of ID (in Australia) is our drivers license, it also doubles as a proof of age card etc...

Right. This is why the Feds in the US want to standardise the drivers licence according to federal rules. The recent 2 acts that mandate this are quite scary. It remains to be seen, but it looks like that's the most likely path, and once that gets implemented, the hangouts will fall into line (Oz,UK, ...).

But, we are still talking years away, and we
are still talking about a world where I can
take my driver's licence from one country,
travel around the world and present it to a
CA and say this is bona fide.  As the guy
doing the DD isn't an expert on *all* forms
of ID, he has little hope in being able to
pick up a forgery.

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