Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:

It could be blindingly obvious to others ... but it's
not to me!

Because 99.99% of users will have no idea what the numbers are, nor will they have any ability to make sensible decisions based on them.

Well, they are generally in a much better position to make sensible decisions than anyone else is. So, a necessary step is to give them the information to make those decisions. It might be that they then need to know what the numbers mean, but this doesn't seem to be much of a barrier, no more of a barrier than knowing what a speed limit sign is when driving down the road.

"when banking, make sure you have 128/1024."

"when doing sex chat with your boyfriend, make
sure you have 40/512."

"when plotting to overthrow the government,
don't do it on less than 256/4096."

(The alternative is for a programmer to make the
decision for them, but as programmers aren't there
when the browser is being used, they can only do
that on the scantiest of signals.)


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