On Saturday 25 June 2005 12:16, Jeroen van Iddekinge wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the following mail in mine Thunderbird (1.0 linux) email box.
> what the hell is it? It doesn't event have a proper header (no 
> 'receaved' etc.. header)
> Is it a bug or a virus?

No, accidental usage?!  Someone is experimenting
with a spam package, and they've mistyped the
command and accidentally mailed a script that does
some part of it to all the recipients in their spam list.

(That's a *guess*, I've seen a number of cases where
people who don't know much go and buy cheap
but simple spam packages in order to do mass
mailings, and the results are ... chaotic.)

Advances in Financial Cryptography, Issue 1:
Daniel Nagy, On Secure Knowledge-Based Authentication
Adam Shostack, Avoiding Liability: An Alternative Route to More Secure Products
Ian Grigg, Pareto-Secure
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