Nelson B wrote:

>   Two buttons:  "rip me off", "protect me from the rip off"
> would undoubtedly change user responses.

I doubt it, their ISP/tech support etc would tell them to ignore it as
an over reaction... Rather then trying to explain the finer details of
what exactly is occurring, this isn't a black and white situation and
that's why it's failing to cope with it.

When does black and white security ever work in situations where end
users don't understand the context?

What's needed is something like spamassassin, which ranks sites based on
a set of criteria and then tells the user this site is 5% likely to be
bad, or 95% likely to be bad... etc etc etc...

Not all popups mean bad things and by labelling it as such you simple
end up back to square one when users need to go to sites that aren't bad...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
    but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
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