!:?) wrote:

I have Netscape for my ISP and they use AOL Servers.
(They are owned by AOL)
Using Netscape 7.2 Browser Email Client, Netscape ISP Dial-up.
I switched ISP's several Months ago.

I see a large number of Hits on Port 80, some are Web Sites, most are users and never Seen so many hits on that Port before.
Most of the IP's are AOL IP Blocks but not all.

Rule "Default Block HTTP Port 80 TCP" blocked (compaq,http).  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (compaq,http)
Remote address,service is (,3837)
Process name is "N/A"

They hit no matter if I have a Browser\Email Client up or not.
I have been seeing this for several Months now.

The Firewall stops them and I'm not Worried about them but wondered what they all were.


They want to know if you are running a server they can exploit.
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