I was a little slow there. You just want a way for the third action to be disabled. I find it annoying more than anything because I use browsers on many different systems and I some times get surprised by this action. Yes, you are correct that it can violation a users privacy if one has highlighted private text and accidently hits the middle mouse button on an unused portion of the window. I just found and tested that if "middlemouse.contentLoadURL" is set to false, then nothing happens.

Florian Weimer wrote:
On X11 systems, pressing the middle mouse button in a Window has three
functions in Firefox: On a hyperlink, the hyperlink is opened in a new
window/tab.  On an input control, the X selection (= clipboard) is
pasted into the control.  On some unused space of the window, the X
selection is entered into the location bar.  It's easy to trigger the
third action accidentally when you click on the wrong part of the
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