Once upon a time *Elric* wrote:

> FACE wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 16:59:39 -0300, Alejandro Fuentes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
>> netscape.public.mozilla.browser wrote:
>>>_at"@ wrote:
>>>> Remline wrote:
>>>>> http://www.newzbot.com/
>>>>> Dobi Yonkoff wrote:
>>>>>> Can anyone help me find other news servers?
>>>>>> I'm a beginner with newsgroups.
>>>>>>                                                     Thanks!
>>>> I also just started newsgroups. It seems there aren't that many free 
>>>> news servers. Your ISP's website may give you info on using one of your 
>>>> ISP's news servers though.
>>>My isp doen´t have nntp server , my isp is Fibertel , i´m from Argentina 
>>>and i can´t find a good server ,,, Grrrr... " what a pitty " :D
>> The best free server I know of -- text only newsgroups -- is
>> News.Individual.net in Berlin.  Google will cough up the exact site for
>> signup.
> Their accounts are no longer free (as of April '05)

No, not free any more, but less than a US dollar a month is a fair price
since they are still good. :)


* How to quote: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html#toc2
* From Google: http://www.safalra.com/special/googlegroupsreply/
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