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Mark VII - "Presents Action Replays"
nmo.mp3.??? - 5 tracks, 13min, 18.9mb - 29/06/02

We were hoping this day would never come. That is, the day our
copyright-ruffling cousins at No'Mo' moseyed back into town. But
sadly, they're here. And they have a new champion, a Mark VII.
And they absolutely insist that we release this 5-track piece of
perverse.. well, quite frankly, c64.gametune.hiphop.mashup.evilness.

So, if you're the type of sicko who dreams of Rob Hubbard's classic
Commodore 64 videogame theme to "Commando" with Outkast's "Ms.Jackson" over
the top.. they gave us that. Martin Galway's "Comic Bakery" besmirched by
the dulcet tones of Chuck D? Check. Jeroen Tel
(Maniacs Of Noise)'s "Children's Song" splattered all over with
vintage Brithop-per MC Duke? Got it. Kathy Brown and Matt Gray
fighting in a corner? Sure. Chris Huelsbeck's "Spherical" theme all crunged
up with Busta Rhymes? We're afraid to admit it.. but we got
that too.

So, they've got our Flat Eric doll, and they won't give it back until
we release this. What's a self-respecting label to do? Go cry in a
corner, that's what. And then unleash the dragon on you. And, dear
friends, consider this dragon unleashed.

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