Hello (again),

It seems there is a bug in the LAME DLL (at least). I'm encoding fine with a 
lot of different parameters. But there are some parameters that produce good 
MP3 files but not with the specified parameters.

For example when I encode a 44kHz, 16 bits, stereo file at 96 kbps (MPEG1) it 
produces an output at 32kHz at 96 kbps, but I have dwReSampleRate = 0 !!!
There might be other examples like that (32 kHz, stereo at 32kbps becomes 
11kHz, stereo at 32 kbps).

I guess it's not a feature but a bug. For most enconding (it seems at higher 
bitrates) everything is OK, but at lower ones, it seems to switch automatically 
to MPEG2 while the frequency and bitrate is valid for MPEG1... Any idea of 
where it comes from ?

PS: This occur on both 3.89 and 3.90 versions of the DLL (I use binaries from 
mp3encoder mailing list

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