Using Lame 3.97:

First, the ACM directory in the source distro is bad.  ACM is empty and acm
(lower case) contains the contents, making the Linux compile not work until
you rename it.

Second, I've been having a problem decoding a particular file.  (It seems, from
searching the web, that someone else had the same problem, but they were using
a freeformat file, which this is not).

% lame Track12.mp3 --decode -o Track12.wav
ID3v2 found. Be aware that the ID3 tag is currently lost when transcoding.
input:  Track12.mp3  (32 kHz, 1 channel, MPEG-1 Layer III)
output: Track12.wav  (16 bit, Microsoft WAVE)
skipping initial 1105 samples (encoder+decoder delay)
big_values too large! 403
Can't step back 197!
bitstream problem: resyncing...
big_values too large! 502
Frame#     1/598    635 kbps         bitstream problem: resyncing...
Error: number of channels has changed in MP3 file - not supported
Error: sample frequency has changed in MP3 file - not supported
Frame#     2/598     80 kbps         Error: number of channels has changed in 
MP3 file - not supported

etc.  Despite appearances, the error isn't the big_values problem.  The error
is that somehow Lame thinks the file is 32 kHz, 1 channel, when it's really
44 kHz, 2 channel (which mp3info confirms).
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