Hi all,

I've tried four different Windows command-line LAME bundles and get the same results from each - the resulting MP3 file contains none of the URL link frames specified in the command line parameters, including WCOP, WOAF, WOAR, WPAY, WCOM, and WPUB. The parameters are accepted by LAME.EXE but aren't processed.

I've tried most of the LAME 3.98.2 bundles compiled for Windows found on this page: http://www.rarewares.org/mp3-lame-bundle.php

I've also tried the LAME 3.99.a1 bundle and receive identical results.

Here's a sample command:

C:\windows\system32\lame.exe -h "C:\Temp\MySong.wav" "C:\Temp\MySong.mp3" -b 128 -q 0 --verbose --tt "My Song" --ta "My Name" --tl "My Album Name" --ty "1995" --tc "This is a brief comment about My Song." --tn "" --tg "147" --ti "C:\Temp\MyAlbumArt.jpg" --tv "TCOP=2009, My Record Label. Some Rights Reserved. Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/. Verify at http://www.mywebsite.com/track/mysong/download/."; --tv "WCOP=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/"; --tv "WOAF=http://www.mywebsite.com/track/mysong/download/"; --tv "WOAR=http://www.mywebsite.com"; --tv "WPAY=http://www.mywebsite.com/donate/"; --tv "WCOM=http://www.mywebsite.com/donate/"; --tv "TBPM=85" --tv "TCOM=My Name" --tv "TPUB=My Publishing Company" --tv "WPUB=http://www.mypublisher.com"; --tv "TEXT=My Name"

In my tests, the above command finishes without errors. However, the aforementioned URL link frames are missing from the resultant MP3 audio file. It's perplexing.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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