My other guess is that it is a floating-point rounding thing: that 0.25 in the list is slightly different from the 0.25 you are specifying due to rounding.

The best thing to do might be to take the element directly from the k-points list. e.g.

        (list-ref k-points 13)

will return the (0,0.25,0) element if I counted correctly.


On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Emiliano Di Gennaro wrote:

I'm sure it's in the list because I changed to 25 the k-points to interpolate. Here it's the mbp output related.....

Initializing dielectric function...
27 k-points:

Any other suggestion?
Thank you

Steven G. Johnson wrote:

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Emiliano Di Gennaro wrote:

(run-tm (output-at-kpoint (vector3 0 .25 0)
                        fix-efield-phase output-efield-z))

being sure that ( 0 0.25 0) was in the k-points list.

What it's wrong?

Probably, (0 0.25 0) is not in the k-points list? It's certainly not in the default k-points list for the tri-rods.ctl example file, whose default k-points are:



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