Hi Steven:

We are trying to calculate 102 k points, each with 40 bands. The run order 
we use is (run-yodd).

As our server has 4 CPUs, so I type
nohup mpb-split 4 file_name.ctrl | tee file_name.out &

When I check the output file, I can only see the calculation from the 1st to 
the 26th point. Then the calculation is done. I guess the job is completely 
done but I only got part of the results. the definition of k points is

(define-param num-k 100)
(define-param k-min 0.0)
(define-param k-max 0.5)
(set! k-points (interpolate num-k (list (vector3 k-min) (vector3 k-max))))

what do you think? Thank you for your help.


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