Dear Dr. Johnson and all MPB users,

Thanks for the great software!

I am using MPB to reproduce some figures in the following paper:

M. Perrin, Y. Quiquempois, G. Bouwmans and M. Douay, 
Coexistence of total internal reflexion and bandgap modes
in solid core photonic bandgap fibre with intersticial air holes, 
Optics Express, 15(21):13783-13795, 2007   

To reproduce the upper panel in Fig.3, I used the following commands

mpb pbg_tri2.ctl >& pbg_tri2.txt
h5topng -S 5 epsilon.h5
mpb-data -r -m 5 -n 32 epsilon.h5
h5topng epsilon.h5:data-new
mpb-data -r -m 5 -n 32 dpwr.k*.h5
h5topng -C epsilon.h5:data-new -c bluered -Z -d data-new dpwr.k*.h5

and the pbg_tri2.ctl file 

(define-param tz 3) 
(define-param r 0.3625)
(set! num-bands 1)
(set! default-material (make dielectric (epsilon 2.1025)))
;silica index 1.45
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 no-size)
        (basis1 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) 0.5 0)
        (basis2 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) -0.5 0)))
(set! geometry (list (make cylinder 
        (center 0 0 0) (radius r) (height infinity)
        (material (make dielectric (epsilon 2.196))))))
;high-index rod index=1.45+0.032, simple index profile
(set! k-points (list (vector3 0 0 tz) ; Gamma 
                (vector3 (/ -3) (/ 3) tz))) ;K
(set! resolution 32) 
(run output-dpwr))
; or should I output something else?

It seems that the figures generated appear similar,
but I want them to look more like those in the paper.
The related question is if I ouput the Ex field using
(run fix-efield-phase output-efield-x)),
how can I handle both the real and imaginary parts
(i.e.,to put them into two files, like the lower panel in 
figure 3)?

My difficulty seems to be due to the unfamiliarity with 
the plotting functions.
Any tips or help will be appreciated.

Best regards

Yanfeng Li

Associate Professor, Ph.D
Ultrafast Laser Laboratory,
College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering,
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Tel & Fax: +86-22-27404204 

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