I'm running MPB 1.4.2 under Cygwin 1.7.6 and Windows 7 without a problem.
However, h5utils will not configure properly when I try to build from
source. The following lines from the output of ./configure seem to indicate
the problem:

checking for png_create_write_struct in -lpng... no
configure: WARNING: can't find libpng: won't be able to compile h5topng
checking for evaluator_get_variables in -lmatheval... no
configure: WARNING: can't find libmatheval: won't be able to compile h5math
checking for h4toh5... no
checking for h5toh4... no
checking for jpeg_start_compress in -ljpeg... yes
checking for DFSDgetdata in -ldf... no
configure: WARNING: can't find libdf (HDF4): won't be able to compile
h5fromh4 or h4fromh5


checking for mkoctfile... no
configure: WARNING: can't find mkoctfile: won't be able to compile

However, I have libpng12.a and libpng12.dll.a (from the Cygwin package
repository) in my /usr/lib directory and I built libmatheval 1.1.7 from
source. It's libraries are in /usr/local/lib.

I tried setting the following environment variables in bash but the problem
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib/:/usr/lib/"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/:/usr/include/"

Any help at building h5utils would be appreciated. Thanks!

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