Hi Ozgur,

If you are referring to the second edition, then this corresponds to a structure without cavity or PhC waveguide, so no need for a supercell, (size 1 1) should do.


Frederic Brossard

On 01/12/2010 18:27, Özgür Önder KARAKILINÇ wrote:
Hi everyone

I am trying to page 76, figure 10 of "photonic crystals molding the flow
of light" book.
But I did not obtain same gap result.
my ctl code is below.

could you show me where is my mistake?

;;phc book page 76 fig.10

(define-param epssub 13)       ; dielectric substrate
(define-param epsair 1)
(define-param r 0.48)         ; the radius of the holes
(define-param supercell-y 31) ; the (odd) number of lateral supercell periods

(set! default-material (make dielectric (epsilon epssub)))

; triangular lattice with vertical supercell:
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1  supercell-y no-size)
                          (basis1 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) 0.5)
                          (basis2 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) -0.5)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Geometry

(define-param a 1)
(define-param d (* (/ (sqrt 3) 2) a))

(set! geometry
             (make cylinder (center 0 0) (radius r) (height infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon epsair)))
                        (make cylinder (center (* .5 a) (* -1 d)) (radius r) 
(height infinity)
(material (make dielectric (epsilon epsair)))
      1 (* a (sqrt 3) a))


; 1st Brillouin zone of a triangular lattice:
(define Gamma (vector3 0 0 0))
(define K' (lattice->reciprocal (vector3 0.5 0 0))) ; edge of Brillouin zone.

(define-param only-K false) ; run with only-K=true to only do this k-point
(define-param k-interp 9)   ; the number of k points to interpolate
(if only-K
     (set! k-points (list K))
     (set! k-points (interpolate k-interp (list Gamma K'))))

(define-param res 32)
(set! grid-size (vector3 res (* res supercell-y) 1))

(define-param extra-bands 21)

(set! num-bands (+ supercell-y extra-bands))

(set-param! mesh-size 7)


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