Dear Steven and MPB users,

I am trying to solve an inverse problem to estimate bandgaps involving
dispersive materials for host and scatterers.

To solve this problem I am using the [find-k] function. However I am unable
to pass/define the imaginary part of permittivity (er) for both the
scatterrer and host mediums.

I tried in the following two ways
(define x (+ 3 (sqrt -1))) or (define-param x (+ 3 (sqrt -1)))
(define host (make dielectric (epsilon x)))

2. (define host (make dielectric (epsilon real_eps_wat) (D-conductivity (/
(* 2 pi omegan imag_eps_wat) real_eps_wat) )))
Here omegan, real_eps_wat, and imag_eps_wat are all real number.

Neither of these methods worked.

Can some one please guide me on how to assign the imaginary part of
permittivity to the dispersive materials in mpb. I appreciate your help and
time on this.

Thank you,



Chandraprakash Chindam
mpb-discuss mailing list

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