On 2014/03/06 19:12, Pete Beardmore <pete.beardm...@msn.com> wrote:
> i've recently started using my secondary (internal) sound card for
> headphones output, and regularly move the mpd pulseaudio stream back
> and forth between the two outputs
> the issue i have/had is that when a playlist contains files with
> multiple output formats, on change of format, the audio output is
> re-initialised and the statically configured default sink is chosen.
> this is not desirable if i've moved the stream to my secondary
> output. i don't want to drive multiple outputs simultaneously
> the commit simply holds the (now dynamic) sink name in a string
> (deliberately avoiding any requirements to manage memory), and
> updates this from the pulse context callback. hopefully this is a
> suitable method, please consider merging with mpd master

Your code will crash when no "sink" is configured, because the
std::string is initialized with a nullptr.

I'm not convinced that this is the best idea.  Does every Pulse client
have to replicate this behavior?  Isn't there a better way?  Can we
change an existing stream to a different audio format instead, instead
of destroying and creating a new one?  Isn't there some kind of
server-side stickiness?

What happens if the sink that your code remembers suddenly vanishes
while MPD is not playing, will reopening the output always fail until
somebody creates a new sink with that name?
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