On Mon, May 4, 2015, at 10:17, Max Kellermann wrote:
> On 2015/05/03 16:36, Thomas Guillem <tho...@gllm.fr> wrote:
> > It happens when using mad and ffmpeg. The mad plugin will parse only the
> > duration and ScanStream will return true. Therefore, ffmpeg plugin won't be
> > used and no tags will be scanned.
> This would add a lot of overhead.  What is the reason you want to
> invoke multiple plugins for one file?  Your email doesn't explain
> that.

I use mpd on android with libnfs (see
https://github.com/tguillem/mpd/commits/android-2), therefore id3 is not
available to scan files (because it uses a fd).
I also use the mad decoder to decode mp3 and avcodec for others formats.

When scanning files, it'll search for the first decoder plugin that is
capable to parse the file. My issue is that the mad decoder plugin
reports that it scanned the file when it scanned only the duration
(therefore, the tags are empty).

That's why I added this patch to continue to scan a file using others
decoder plugins when tag are empty.

There are other way to do it, I could add a way to don't use mad to scan
files, add a way to prefer avcodec to scan files, or this one. I don't
really know which one is the better.
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