Richard Chandler may be right about the lack of progress on Superfund reform
on the national level (I don't know), but brownfields are getting
redeveloped locally. There was a ground-breaking ceremony today in St. Louis
Park for new apartments on the old Mill City Lumber property (Hwy 7 and
Louisiana) and I believe the City of St. Louis Park helped pay for the clean
up and a state program limited the liability.

I'm sure someone on this list can provide much better information on the
local and state programs for cleaning up brownfields. My point is that
Superfund reform may increase funds for clean up and limit liability, but it
is still going to take local government to consolidate land, clean it up,
and make the tough redevelopment sites as attractive as green fields in

Re Gore and Nader and Shrub: Gore still seems like the only candidate that
understands urban issues, wants environmental reform AND has a chance of
getting a bill through a Republican controlled Congress.

John Rocker

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