Since I opened up limited discussion of the Presidential election, several
members have posted inappropriately. Is is disheartening, and, frankly,

I have issued warnings, and will continue to do so. However, since many
members ARE following the rules, I want to reiterate and amplify them so the
discussion can continue without future silly or inflammatory posts.

1. Posts about the presidential race must be explicitly tied to an issue
specific to, or particular to, Minneapolis. It is your responsibility to
make the connection.

2. NO ATTACKING EACH OTHER PERSONALLY. A basic list rule (#5 at "One-on-one arguments,
disagreements, and disputes of a personal nature must be taken off list." If
you find yourself typing another member's name in a list message, ask
yourself: "am I responding to their issue position, or am I attacking their
behavior?" If the latter, you have two choices: EMAIL THEM DIRECTLY or EMAIL
ME DIRECTLY (if you feel they have violated a list rule). Sending this type
of message to the entire list is not only a massive (and whiny) waste of
bandwidth in the lives of our 400 members, it is a rules violation.

3. Related: As passions have risen, the language is getting ugly. Rule #4
states: "No insults, threats, and inflamed speech for the sake of personal
argument are allowed." Criticizing the positions of others, and the actions
of public officials, is perfectly ok. Labeling members as this or that --
especially without any supporting evidence -- is not.

4. Complaints about how this list is managed MUST come to me, not be posted
to the list. As I have said before, the list does not exist to debate the
list. This is not to cover-up -- if you are unsatisfied with my management,
I will forward your complaint to Steve Clift, my board chair at E-Democracy,
which is my governing group. (Steve is also a list member so he follows the
discussion, at least its less frivolous parts.) There is an appeals process
exists as a check on me.

PLEASE everyone -- the recent discussion has hit some low points for this
list. I still believe we can live within rules that focus our discussion on
substance, not spats.

David Brauer
List manager, Mpls-issues

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