I too think this is an excellent and amazing idea!

One important thought I would like to throw in is that
these classes be free.

If the classes are not free it obviously sets up
another hurdle for the poor to become involved in the
system.  I think we all would agree that this would be
an amazing community service, and that something like
this OUGHT to be free.  I would imagine that former
office holders/staff would see the importance of this
and volunteer their time.  I think we all can see that
this type of "school" could get away with charging
quite a lot - hopefully this will be avoided.

Which runs into my second thought - how are people
enrolled?  My first thought is to have an "enrollment
window" and depending on demand, and the number of
"educators" have a lottery for all admittance.  If
admittance is first come, first served - people in the
know (connected people) will most likely make up the
class.  If admittance is on a type of "service
seniority", those admitted that have been involved in
community planning and government for a long time
already, this will bias against younger people and a
certain non-political freshness that might manifest
from not having been a system-player.  As above,
hopefully there is no money passing hands - for all
the reasons we understand too well.  Recommendation by
parties - once again, this will harm independants and
non-partisians - and runs into the status-quo

Is David actually going ahead with planning on this,
or is there someone else (or a group) who is willing
to take up the reigns?

What do those in the system think of this?  And is it
correct to assume that anyone on the council now would
not have the time to invest in this - so we should aim
for past officeholders & staff?

One last thought...it seems like this would be a good
thing to hit cable access with...

jon kelland

--- Barbara Lickness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would welcome the idea of candidate classes.  
> I have spent many years preparing for this job in
> both
> my volunteer activities in Whittier and my
> professional life as NRP staff to 13 South
> Minneapolis
> neighborhoods.  I feel that "I can hit the ground
> running" as they say.
> However,  I am sure there is a vast amount of
> knowledge you need and gain only from the inside or
> from gracious insiders who decide to share it with
> you. 
> All you intellectual pundits out there who are dying
> to train in a better class of candidate can start
> with
> me. I am willing to be your guinea pig on any
> seminars, or classes you want to put together.  
> I think it would be interesting for you to organize
> past council members so we can pick their brains. 
> After all they have been there done that.  Who
> better
> to get the real life accounting from.  
> The only other thing I ask is that this be organized
> at the grassroots level. (O.K. maybe with the help
> of
> the League of Women Voters) No think tank
> organizations please or groups pushing specific
> agendas.
> So.....go for it David and whoever. Give me the
> where
> and when. I'll be there.
> Barb Lickness
> Whittier
> Ward 6  
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