Carsten called me today.  Said he was working on a
version of the DFL letter too.  I agree my opening
statement was weak.  I guess that must epitomize my
confidence when it comes to the DFL.  

Anyway,  he will forward his version to me tomorrow. 
Will forward that to you and Fred when I get it.

I know you are leary of Fred.  So am I. But would
rather have him on my side than agin' me.  Dean has
dissed him and I am going to capitalize on that.  But
I also know not to bring him in too closely.  He will
be an asset on the DFL strategy stuff.  He has already
produced a map of all the "green" party people in the
ward.  I can target them all directly with a letter
and hopefully defuse some of the people that may
consider supporting Dean Zimmerman.  

And as far as the DFL fundraiser goes, let me know if
you need Robin and I to make chocolates or if you
would prefer I didn't get involved in that. I need to
know in advance so I can plan the time.  I also forgot
that I will probably be getting some money from the
fundraiser on Wednesday so should be alright on the
financial front.  But I don't want to spend too much
on this DFL party cuz I won't make much from the
fundraising.  These people give $5 and $10 bucks and

I really want to support you in this role, I just
don't know how so I need you to tell me. O.K.? 

Later gater.

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