I believe it is important to hold our elected officials to their word and to
critique their activities.  I do not believe it is necessary to talk about
how their positions give you nausea or how you arn't able to hold down solid
food after reading something they wrote.  That is the part of Mr. Conally's
post which is the personal attack and that is unnecessary.

It sometimes seems that some folks believe that elected officials by virtue
of their position don't even deserve basic respect.  And when we treat
elected officials like that, it allows us to depersonalize and dehumanize
them, making them into some monolithic force instead of a group of folks,
each with their own strengths and weaknesses, who are doing their best to
better Minneapolis.  All I'm asking for is that everyone treat everyone else
with respect and decency.

Carol Becker

----- Original Message -----
From: Russell Wayne Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: RE: Attack on Cherryhomes due to affordable housing position

> There is nothing wrong with holding our elected officials to their word
> to what is in print.  We have a serious affordable housing crisis in our
> city and the current administration and council leadership has spent most
> their time on corporate welfare instead of addressing basic issues such as
> higher paying jobs, affordable housing and basic street maintenance just
> name a few.  That is not a personal attack, it is illumination of the
> via citizen advocacy through direct experience or observation.  And that
> debate is what this forum is all about.  Perhaps if our leadership would
> start participating in forums such of this on a more regular basis, it
> just make our democracy rise to a higher level; instead of a constant
> negative critique of their performance.
> Russ Peterson
> Ward 9
> Standish
> R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
> "You can only fly if you stretch your wings."
> Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID
> Founder
> 3857 23rd Avenue South
> Minneapolis, MN 55407
> 612-724-2331
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carol Becker
> Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 10:36 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Attack on Cherryhomes due to affordable housing position
> To quote Woodstock (from Peanuts) "Every time someone comes up with a good
> idea, someone else brings up the budget."
> The Niland affordable housing proposal would have cost as much as the City
> currently spends for the Fire Department, an amount of money it simply
> doesn't have.  It was much more responsible to put together a program
> is financially reasonable than to approve a program which was completely
> of the City's ability to fund.
> It also would have made the issue of affordable housing a problem of the
> City of Minneapolis, rather than a problem of the whole region.
> housing has to be a regional issue with regional solutions and Minneapolis
> needs to respond but only as part of a much larger response.
> Carol Becker
> Longfellow
> PS - These personal attacks do not have a place in this forum.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: timothy connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 7:58 AM
> Subject: cherryhomes announcement
> > what gives? i thought i could look forward to comments
> > about the city council president's candidacy for a
> > fourth term. shocked, i'm shocked!
> >
> > my favorite part of the strib's story was the line " a
> > big part of her personal decision was the North Side
> > housing development and her work on afffordable
> > housing." happily i had only imbibed juice and coffee
> > and no solid food when i read that.
> >
> > what work on affordable housing was that to which she
> > was referring?
> >
> > was that leading the council in a 7-5 vote against
> > councilman jim niland's affordable housing resolution
> > which came directly out of the work done by and
> > recommendations from the mayor's task force on ah?
> >
> > or was it her leadership in passing a watered down
> > affordable housing resolution that has resulted in
> > only a 3% increase in housing for those most in need,
> > those whose family income is less than 30% of MMI
> > (median metropolitan income) and a 79% increase in
> > housing for those at 80% (MMI)?
> >
> > i would have thought ms cherryhomes would have pointed
> > to her work on making "the block formerly known as
> > block e" a showcase of inner city redevelopment in
> > which we all may take great pride.
> >
> > enough. my nausea has passed. momentarily.
> >
> > tim connolly
> > ward 7
> >
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