>>In some ways the lack of endorsement by Stonewall of Robert Lilligren,
>>reminds me of Stonewall's failure to endorse Catherine Shreves -- who has
>>turned out to be a very able school board member.
>         Anybody who's really interested in going over this yet again (it 
>was discussed once previously on this list, back in March) can look at 
>webpage http://www.scc.net/~t-bonham/sample99.jpg , which shows the 1999 
>Stonewall DFL sample ballot, with Catherine Shreves name clearly visible
on it.
I remember this one very clearly -- because when Catherine Shreves posted
on the list, I wrote her privately to ask if she had gotten Stonewall
endorsement -- and she had not.  Later -- after the primary, I believe
Stonewall endorsed her.  What I found ironic is that just before the
election, that Catholic League flyer came out -- that suggested some
positions that Al Gallmon had taken that were quite at odds with
Stonewall's positions, and he had gotten Stonewall endorsement.  

Anyway, that was then....  the 8th ward race is now....  Did folks see that
a Sandra Miller supporter wrote a devastating letter to the editor about
the trouble with Herron?

Eva Young

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