David asked me to post because he used up both his posts today.

The Mayor, Communications Director, Ann Freeman, City Coordinator, Kathy
O'Brien and Councilmembers Cherryhomes and Campbell all showed up across
the street from my home this morning at 11:00 a.m. Joining them were Bob
Miller from the MCDA, staff from the Seward Neighborhood Group,
Longfellow Community Council, the Center for Neighborhoods and several
neighborhood residents. Also in attendance were several members of this
list. In all about 60 people sampled the warm weather across from
Matthews Park. 

There were three cameras and two radio stations/networks represented in
the press pool. I couldn't tell if any print reporters were there aside
from David Brauer. (Who no doubt was covering the story for the
Washington Post ;-) 

The Mayor spoke briefly calling on the legislature to continue support
Tax Increment Financing as a tool for cities throughout Minnesota. 

Following the Mayor's remarks she turned the podium over to Council
President Cherryhomes who was explaining that she grew up in Seward when
I had to leave for a Seward NRP II Steering Committee meeting. I hope
that folks traveled four blocks east to the Birchwood Cafe following the
press conference for lunch.

It was a beautiful day in Seward, the crowd was respectful and
enthusiastic. I expect the legislature to pass a tax bill in the next
few days.
In cooperation,

Erik Riese

Decisive Moment - Decision making services.

Seward, USA:
a great place to live, work, learn, and play! 
(some pretty good restaurants too)
(612) 242-8528
(612) 724-3217
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