> Let's see,  We just gave away about $150 million to Target and block E's big
> box businesses to help their bottom line, and now our big-business DFL
> leaders are upset NRP might be in jeopardy.  Talk about a shift in the blame
> for their irresponsible, wasteful spending.

And if Joan Campbell showed up you know that there's probably a
developer somewhere that stands to lose money.

In our neighborhood one developer received a $600,000 subsidy
(around 1/4 of our NRP budget for Phase I) two years ago to build
something like 12 (not necessarily affordable) townhomes .  The
townhomes have yet to be build because a couple of the property
owners are refusing to sell.  Now they're talking about creating
a TIF district just to buy these properties. The Target Center
writ small.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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