>David Kortz wrote:
 >One rainy Saturday afternoon earlier this year, I happened to run into a
 >protest in the business district around 55th and Lyndale. (Old Boulevard
 >Theatre area).  Apparently, the businesses were voicing their concern
 >about a proposal to build affordable housing in the area.
 >Does anyone know about this proposed project and if it is still planned?
 >If so, will it affect the existing businesses in that area of town?

I hope this answers David's question.  I just finished a short summary of 
the project  for our next newsletter that details the process that worked 
its way through our neighborhood.  This project will not directly affect 
any business in the area.

Paul Lohman, President
Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association

The Boulevard Moves Forward  an Update
Over the past number of months the Lynnhurst neighborhood and Board have 
been discussing and evaluating a proposed development project called The 
Boulevard.  It is a development planned for the former Norwest Bank 
building site at 53rd street and Lyndale and is comprised of housing on the 
upper floors and new commercial space on the ground level.  After numerous 
neighborhood meetings and after gathering as much information as possible 
the Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association (LYNAS) Board considered the issue 
at its October 11th meeting.  The Board voted to send a letter to the City 
of Minneapolis Planning Department "not opposing" the Boulevard development.

The issue then went to the City Planning Commission and was discussed in a 
public forum on November 5th.  The Planning Commission voted unanimously in 
favor of the project commending it as a "good model" for this type of 
development.  The Planning Commission's decision was appealed to the Zoning 
and Planning sub-committee of the City Council who discussed the project at 
their meeting on November 27th.  Public comment was heard from a number of 
residents and business owners. The Zoning sub-committee then unanimously 
passed the project as well (i.e.: the appeal was denied.) .  The 
Minneapolis City Council finally had the project on its December 14th 
meeting agenda.  No public comment was taken at this meeting and the 
proposed development plan was passed by unanimous consent.

If you have questions or concerns about this development project or any 
other issue in the Lynnhurst neighborhood please do not hesitate to call 
the message line (823-5190) or contact any member of the LYNAS Board

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