Gregory Luce wrote:

>But that was not my real point, which was the lack of ethnic diversity at this level 
>of the NRP as well as on neighborhood boards, etc.  That, at least, deserves some 
>honest and open discussion, as well as more work.
While I completely agree that the lack of ethnic diversity is a problem 
for NRP, both on the neighborhood level and the Policy Board level, the 
Hmong candidate that you referred to didn't even show up for the 
election!  From the materials he submitted about his candidacy, it 
seemed like he wasn't clear about what he was getting in to.  Clearly 
not the best candidate.  

Maybe next year we'll have better options!

Cara Letofsky
Seward (a redirection neighborhood)
and NRP Policy Board Elector, Nov. 29th

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