Lots of interest in community gardening lately!  Just wanted to 'check
in' with everyone on this as I have been looking into community
gardening and how the Park Board can help since.  Some of you may
remember that I wrote an opinion piece supporting community gardens in
parks earlier this spring.  I am a Horticulture Prof at the U and, of
course, support gardening throughout the city!  It is Americans number 1
past time!

1)  Great turnout for the Critical Mass bike ride looking at Community
Gardens last Friday.  Must have been 50-75 bikers.  This group did a
great job organizing the tour and the party afterwards.

2)  Dean Zimmerman organized a meeting last week between his office,
MCDA, and myself (Park Board) to talk about this issue as well!  Both
Dean and I have had discussions about this issue with Paul Ostrow.  Paul
has a general interest in a 'greening' policy for the city.  The support
Of Dean Zimmerman, Paul Ostrow, Gary Schiff, and Lisa Goodman for
general greening of the city is terrific.  I am sure that others on City
Council are supportive as well.

3)  After having Minneapolis Park Board staff look through everything
they could find, I realize now that there is not a concrete Minneapolis
Park Board policy on community gardening!  The 'no edible' policy, that
has been in effect arose because of the previous use of herbicides in
parks.  In my mind, not allowing edibles alongside potential herbicide
application was a good policy.  Since herbicides are not used in most
neighborhood parks anymore, this issue is no longer valid.

4)  Therefore, I introduced a motion at the July 3 Minneapolis Park
Board meeting to direct staff to develop their recommendations for a new
community gardening policy in parks.  The new recommendations will come
forward out of the Operations and Environment Committee (Annie Young and
I are Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively).  The upshot is that I expect
that there will be a new policy in place for spring 2003 given there is
general support to make some changes across the Board.

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board should be community gardeners
best friend.  It is my hope that the Board will eventually be
facilitating folks more in their efforts.  Some 'pie in the sky'
thoughts - what if people could schedule tillers through the MPRB during
the spring, what if there was a single list where MPRB staff could dump
compost or chips at specific sites rather than hauling stuff to dump
sites, what if MPRB facilitated land purchase through working out some
agreement to address the liability insurance issue?  I think some, if
not all of these are possible with time.

Both the affordable housing and the need for green space issues are
valid.  The city needs to develop more affordable housing, and existing
lots are a reasonable place to turn.  In addition, any additional
property tax revenue would be helpful to the entire city- including the
park system!  Having said this, I do believe that community gardens can
be a vital part of a community to provide green space, a gathering
place, and an asset to increase property values in a neighborhood.
Surely, we can work out a new city and park policy to promote both!

All of your interest is really appreciated!  Keep on pushing!

John Erwin
City-Wide Park Board Commissioner

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