At 09:29 AM 8/2/02 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I believe this would be fitting. 
>However I feel this is something that needs to be kept in the lime light.
>need to see how much our officers give to us every day. I am not
suggesting a 
>"hug a cop day", but I would like for once to hear of people testifying to 
>the positive that the police force does FOR us on a daily basis. For every 
>one bad example, we tend to forget thousands of positive ones.
I'd like to talk about Officer Chris Bishop in the Central neighborhood.  I
have seen Chris Bishop at countless neighborhood meetings, and he makes a
great effort to get out there and meet the neighbors, and work with
neighbors to reduce crime.  

I also appreciate Bishop's willingness to join, and use the Central Chat
list to communicate.  

I no longer live in Central, but I look forward to meeting the SAFE Officer
in Near North.  

Eva Young
Near North
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