Craig Miller wrote:
> ...We have a cop get murdered...

Thanks for your post.

It seems to me that CM Johnson Lee's message was not worded well, though
her heart was in the mostly-right place. 

The Police Federation people (and not a few cops on the street, I'll
wager) probably thought that this was finally one bad situation where
people could muster a little empathy for the cops, only to have a CM
seem to lump the 2 deaths together ("...we pause to reflect on the
untimely deaths of two fellow citizens -- two fellow human beings...").
So they overreacted ("...the most heinous of all crimes...Timothy
McVeigh...should resign immediately...").

Then someone on this list wants people to punish the cops for having an
opinion by flooding them with negative calls.

Enough already. CM Johnson Lee has the right to her opinion, and so does
the Police Federation. Let's give them that right. We too have our
opinions as they are shared here, so I hope we don't start calling for
floods of emails to people with whom we disagree. 

My opinion is that this discussion has erred too much on the side of
moral relativism. Someone kills a cop, so she probably was mentally ill
(though I've not heard any reports that this was so) and so was probably
not responsible for her actions. I don't see where that comes from in
this situation.

I can certainly respect the grief of those who lost a friend and/or
family member, but it seems clear that Ms. Donald would not be dead and
neither would Melissa Schmidt if it weren't for Ms. Donald's own
actions. That gives me plenty of reason to feel more empathy for the
feelings of the folks in blue. 

Walt Cygan

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