>>By golly, Jonathan you got the Mississippi County correct.<<

You'd be surprised how much of my family roots, especially the Irish are down 
in Mississippi County.

I think Jim raises a very good point about this dialogue being very 
important, and needing to be raised.  I think the largest problem about 
racism is that people don't talk about it.  You don't have to agree, but 
listening to points of view gives you a slightly different view in regards 
the information and area being discussed.  It's out there and it won't go 
away until it's dealt with.

Most importantly, I think Jim and I illustrated that it's possible to agree 
to disagree and yet still respect each other's positions.  One  of the first 
major steps in pulling everyone together.  I think Jim is the exception to 
the rule as normal experiences go, and even more of a testament to his 
character that he hasn't been jaded as most be would by now.  So Jim, let's 
keep looking through our glasses and maybe trade once inawhile and see if we 
and others can wake up this city in some fashion.

Jonathan Palmer
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