Wizard's right, I AM lucky to live on the same block as Aftercare.  Let 
me add my commendations to James Walker and Aftercare, Inc!  I live 
between 4 houses owned by Aftercare, Inc.  For those that think 
half-way houses ruin neighborhoods, you should INVITE this program in!  
In 5 years of living here, I have never had one problem or one concern 
about them.

I know from historical research and my own experience that this program 
has improved the neighborhood.  I know that they keep watch and keep 
the dealers out.  It's a very good program!

On Monday, September 23, 2002, at 10:04 AM, WizardMarks wrote:

> Craig Miller wrote:
>> Intelligent insight.  Hope opinion making like this doesn't get very 
>> far in
>> the genetic pool of the Mpls/DFL/Activist species.
> Schmidt is lucky in one way. Aftercare, Inc. is on his block. Every 
> man jack of 'em is an ex-junkie learning how to have a life without ' 
> being in the life.' They set a powerful example of how to go about 
> making that change.
> The paradigm shift has to be away from the stupid and unsuccessful war 
> on drugs and toward the recapture of the basic humanity of the > junkies.
> I'm really counting on the African American Men's Project for taking 
> the leadership in this struggle. That appears to be their intention.
> WizardMarks, Central

Robert Schmid
Central Neighborhood
Candidate for Hennepin Soil & Water Board, District 2
Green Party Endorsed

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