See above for John Kolstad's email address.

Hello David:

John does not have any contact info on his request making it difficult for
residents to respond.

 David Shove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Fw, with his permission, from my
friend John Kolstad. Please reply here or to John, not to me personally.

--David Shove

Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:29:12 -0600
From: John Kolstad/Mill City Music 
Subject: Proposed Tax Strike in Mpls!


Out of control property tax increases by City and State. Caused by Gross
Fiscal Mismanagement on the state and City level


I am proposing that we the Citizens of Minneapolis organize a legal and
proper tax strike. Find out how to Escrow our tax payments and act
collectively until we get some sensible fiscal public policy out of this
DFL controlled City. It is time that all of those that have been getting
public subsidies finally start paying their share. Commercial and
Residential Property owners should work together on this, otherwise they
will try to have us fight each other. I have a commercial building and a
private home too and they are doing it in both places.

What do you think of the tax strike idea? Do you have a better one? I am
open to other strategies, I just think one of them should Not be to do
nothing or say nothing. We need to send a message to elected and public
officials. I think this particularly stinks that this all came out right
after the elections are over. I'm sure it is just a coincidence.

John Kolstad/ President, Mill City Music


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