> Ken Bradley wrote:
> "Actually, you know you're in North Oaks when folks celebrate receiving
> most. How many low income and immigrant folks is the gated community of
> North Oaks currently supporting. You know the folks that do all low paying
> service related jobs and other tasks that people from North Oaks seem to
> enjoy; law service, health care, and on, and on, and on."
> Vicky responds:
> Actually, North Oaks hasn't had any gates for thirty years.
> I don't know what "received the most" means.  My immediate neighbors
> consist of a teacher, a carpenter who owns his own remodeling business, an
> engineer, a periodontist who teaches dentistry at the U of M, and an
> insurance salesman.  The City has lots of seniors and many immigrant
> families (they do, to the best of my knowledge, support themselves
> however.)  I see lots of the teenagers working at Cub, Arby's, and
> when they're not in school.  I know lots of North Oaks women who spend all
> of their time raising money for various charities.  The four families on
> street are Democrats.
> Please tell me Mr. Bradley, what's wrong with these people?
> As you know, those who earn (emphasize earn, not receive) the most, pay
> most.  It seems to me that they should be thanked, rather than scorned.
> it were not for them, everyone else would be paying a lot more.

I think that what Ken Bradley was trying to talk about was the economic
disparity that separates the North Oaks folks from the Minneapolis folks.

Average income:
Minneapolis $22,685
North Oaks $72,686 (about 275% of the regional median)

Number of families
Minneapolis 74,543
North Oaks 1,186

Number and percent of families in poverty
(using the federal definition, which is extreme poverty)
Minneapolis: 8,868 (12%)
North Oaks: 0

Number of individuals in poverty
(using the federal definition, which is extreme poverty)
Minneapolis 62,092 (16%)
North Oaks 75 (2%)
Of these persons in poverty, the number of children in poverty
Minneapolis 19,851
North Oaks 0

Persons employed in professional, managerial, technical positions:
Minneapolis 39%
North Oaks 70%

Persons employed in service positions
Minneapolis 15% (33,771)
North Oakes 2% (36)

This didn't happen by accident.  North Oaks, by reason of its development
policies, has not make itself accessible to persons with low income.  North
Oaks has 99% single family homes (the one percent is townhomes) and thus has
no apartments which could be rented persons without an income high enough to
purchase a home.   This is directly related to how this community has chosen
to develop its land.  When I had looked at it in the past, the requirement
was that no multifamily dwelling units could be built and single family
houses had to be built on a minimum of three acres.

This clearly pushes the burden to housing the region's poor to Minneapolis.
And this has been a deliberate choice by the persons overseeing the
development of North Oaks.

Carol Becker

Data from the US Census and City of Shoreview


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