Phillips wants to be divided and LCC wants the neighborhoods combined.
Diversity even with e-lists, gotta love it.

The idea of neighborhood lists is not a bad idea, to bad it took so long to
happen.  I agree with Annie that subscriptions may be too low to be of any
value, but I know a lot of people who do not want to be on Mpls-issues who
at least say they would like a community based list.  This is especially
true for the delivery of crime stats.


DeWayne Townsend
Hiawatha, Howe, Longfellow,  live in Cooper

> -----Original Message-----

We already have an e-mail list in our corner of our neighborhood as do I
think several other neighborhood groups. Although maybe not the in depth
dialogue of the Issues Forum but used for announcements and sharing lots of
information. Makes me wonder though how many folks will signup to be on
both lists. Plus what happens if you want to know what's going on all over
the city or certainly in some neighborhoods.  And I hope you will do as
everyone is learning to do - divide Phillips into its four distinct
geographic 'hoods/parts within the larger whole neighborhood:
Ventura Village
East Phillips
Prestigious West Phillips
Midtown Phillips
We each have different audiences, different issues (some common) and each
have distinctive ways of getting business done.
Annie Young


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