I've tried to contact both the Samuels and Moore
campaigns regarding my (and many others) experiences
with the Minneapolis Police.  

To give Olin Moore his due, he returned my phone call
right away, but then went on to say that he's a
"labor" person and that stopping the reprehensible,
bullying behavior that MOST police officers exibit
while working at the street level (I don't buy this
nonsnese that the majority of cops are "good
professionals...it's just something people say when
they want to hide behind their own fear of people who
are different, a justification of arrogant police
behavior.  I've NEVER encounter a street level officer
who was polite or professional), is something that
requires concensus. Mr. Moore sighted his strong labor
views as a reason for seekiong the endorsement of the
police federation, the only union to endorse the
Republican Pawlenty.

I found this answer to be really whimpish.  To me this
simply means that he's not willing to support the zero
tolerance policies on police harassment that are
needed.  That he's not willing to have police who
commit murder and beat people up prosecuted like any
other criminal.  

Cheif Olson's clever manipulation of the mediation
process shows that this may be an issue where you
simply can't find consencus, and you need to take a
tough stand.  Though I greatly apprecited his
promptness in returning a call to a potential
constituent, Olin Moore showed that he's not willing
to be tough on police brutality. 

Don Samules (who also screened for the PF endorsement,
and presumably didn't get it mostly because he's
Black, and is also using "tough on crime" rhetoric)
never returned my call.  

Does anyone know of a good write-in candidate who's
got at least gets a little upset when he sees out of
control cops beating people senseless?

Tamir Nolley
Ward 3  

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