As long as we're on the subject of "trivial crimes" as they relate to the current 3rd ward campaign, maybe the city dfl could cruise down Lowry Ave between Washington Ave., and Penn Ave., and verify the legality of the campaign signs posted at the business properties.  I'm sure this has already been taken care of, as it seems that there is an infinite amount of time taken-upon issues of this kind.

It was never made clear - was it Jonathan Palmer, or the city dfl that originally brought-up the "serious infraction", no wait, I'm SURE the term used was "fellonious offense" for using the term dfl candidate mistakenly by the Samuels campaign???

I probably don't have any business asking, as I'm only a 3rd ward resident, and therefore don't have much of a say-so in this election.  But I'm curious nonetheless.  Why is it that the city dfl feels the need to seek the personal endorsement (in this election) of a US Senator?

Seems kind of odd to me.

Why is it that a grassroots campaign can generate and make available a campaign platform (, yet a city dfl endosered candidate isn't able to?

One last question, and it REALLY does affect me.  The city dfl has made it "their priority" this year to "reach-out" to minorities.  Would you be so kind as to share objectives and goals related to this priority.  I'd really be happy to see the dfl persuade the number of voters in the western half of the third ward to vote that Don Samuels was able to motivate (to vote) in the primary, as then they'd stop blaming me for all the bad decisions I make.

Dennis Plante



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