It is interesting to me that the federal administration is so calm about deficits when 
they come from tax cuts or military increases but so vexed about the possibility of 
spending adequate funds for housing.  Frankly, I think there's no need to cut housing 
funds from Minneapolis if they can afford to spend wildly on some of these other 
plans, such as the gargantuan, Ceaucsecuan Homeland Security Department.
Read the Spokesman-Recorder editorial.  It is quite militant, but it fails to try to 
answer the question of "what if you build it and they DON'T come?"  That is, what can 
really be DONE to increase inclusivity when minorities just aren't interested. Did the 
editorialist actually TALK to some minorities who wanted in and found barriers?  What 
barriers were there?  Does NRP fail due to holding meetings on weekday nights?  Then 
NRP committees could reschedule to non-work nights.  It is an information gap?  How 
could that be remedied.  Would interested minorities register their phone numbers so 
they could be called (with, of course, times when they'll be there if they don't own 
an answering machine?)

In short, less militant rhetoric, more practical talk, would be welcome.  I've gone to 
the meetings here in Longfellow, and we're lucky if ONE minority shows up who can be 
DRAFTED to represent the whole community.  The problem we seem to have is a Catch-22 
that if the membership is overwhelmingly white, it therefore loses its interest to 

Jim Mork--Cooper

"War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our Country 
deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out." Gen. William T. 
Sherman (1864) Letter to the Mayor of Atlanta.

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